Summary of all the themes the students covered. There were 7 themes.
domingo, 27 de maio de 2012
Summary Theme 6 Healthy lifestyles
This was definitely an interesting theme ! All the students in the Comenius Club took the fitness test including teacher Isabel. We did the test thanks to the precious collaboration of teacher Alberto, a Physical Education teacher. There were different levels of fitness, of course, but in general the results were good ! The slides on the students’ diet were very detailed and suggestive. It seems the students don’t eat as much soup as they should be eating ! Not a lot of fish and already some international food !
Summary theme 5 The environment
The environment offers different perspectives. Our students did search for those different perspectives. They showed the natural environment around Benavente. There are storks, bulls, horses…. Another group interviewed a farmer who pratices the type of agriculture that he believes is less harmful than the one that is practised on other countries. Some of them collected opinions about the situation of the environment in the region. Recycling banks are available but they are not enough and so a lot of people complain about this fact. Another group showed how our school cares about the environment and also interviewed teachers who live in the council of Benavente to express their opinions on the state of the environment in this region. In the end, we get the the perfect notion that young people are much more worried with these problems than the older generation.
quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012
Summary Theme 4 - Gender Roles and Family
SUMMARY THEME 4- Gender Roles and family
The older generation
This topic clearly shows the generation gap as far as decisions, chores sharing, jobs are concerned.
In the past, most of the parents interviewed talked about how they had to listen to their parents’ and follow their advice as they were supposed to take them as mandatory rather than optional. Authority was much more ingrained in the family hierarchy than it is now.
Most of the women didn’t have a job and were just housewives. Sharing housework was something that was never brought up and the division of tasks according to gender was clear: men worked as breadwinners, did DIY jobs and women were very family-oriented and took care of all the housework chores. There were exceptions but in general that was it. After the revolution in 1974 things started to change and it’s rather interesting that one of the students’ parent claims he was brought up in a very balanced way in terms of decision-making and rules.
The present generation
Some of the students that applied the survey concluded household chores were shared equally between men and women but that surely doesn’t apply to most of the families. Although women have most of the times a job, they usually bear more responsibility for certain tasks that involve children and running the house. One of the students stated her brother didn’t have to help with housework while it was one of her responsibilities. Things have definitely changed over the past 20 years and the tendency is for men to do housework chores along with women.
In general, students’ families have room for independent decision-making and nowadays there’s more dialogue between parents and children.
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